

this week I finshish my essay
my subject is INTERNATIANAL BUSINESS so in my self-study I did some practice relate it. I listen business daily everyday and read some article about business.
my vocabulary is poor so i accumulate some word .
in speaking I saw a video named action english to study how to speak native language.
in next week I will focus on review what i studied this month

listening:business daily
Johann Hari: Do you want free trade – or fair trade that helps the poor?


Classic Film Clips(Duren)

You back-Stabbing murderer.你这阴险的杀人犯。

Back-stabbing adj.阴险的,暗箭伤人的,小人的

例句 Don't trust that back-stabbing guy.

He will steal all your money as soon as he has a chance.

Back-stabber n.阴险的人,背信弃义的人。

例句 I was in love with my girlfriend untill I found out that she told all her girlfriends that I was stupid.She's such a back-stabber.

A lesser man would've talked under such torture.A lesser man 不太正直的人。

例句 Thank you for returning my wallet. A lesser man would have kept it for himself. You are a lesser man than he is. Because you lied to me

a verb test

1. When Carol (call) called last night, I (watch) was watching my favorite show on television.

2. I (work) have been working for this company for more than thirty years, and I intend to stay here until I retire!

3. Sharon (love) loves to travel. She (go) goes abroad almost every summer. Next year, she plans to go to Peru.

4. Thomas is an author. He (write) writes mystery novels and travel memoirs. He (write) has written since he was twenty-eight. Altogether, he (write) has written seven novels, three collections of short stories and a book of poetry.

5. We were late because we had some car problems. By the time we (get) got to the train station, Susan (wait) had been waiting for us for more than two hours

.6. Sam (try) was trying to change a light bulb when he (slip) slipped and (fell) fell.

7. Everyday I (wake) wake up at 6 o'clock, (eat) eat breakfast at 7 o'clock and (leave) leave for work at 8 o'clock. However, this morning I (get) got up at 6:30, (skip) skipped breakfast and (leave) left for work late because I (forget)had forgot to set my alarm.

8. Right now, Jim (read) is reading the newspaper and Kathy (make) is making dinner. Last night at this time, they (do) were doing the same thing. She (cook) was cooking and he (read) was reading the newspaper. Tomorrow at this time, they (do, also) will also be doing the same thing. She (prepare) will be preparing dinner and he (read)will be reading. They are very predictable people!

9. By this time next summer, you (complete)will have completed your studies and (find)will have found a job. I, on the other hand, (accomplish, not) won't have accomplishedanything. I (study, still)will still be studying and you (work)will be working in some new high paying job.

10. The students (be, usually) are usually taught by Mrs. Monty. However, this week they (teach) taught by Mr. Tanzer.



final essay writing

In recent years the term globalization has become very popular. Government policy makers, leaders of political parties, business man, mass media and normal people are all talking about the impact of globalization and how it changed our lives. But what does it mean? Globalization is “the process of transformation of local or regional things or phenomena into global ones.”(Sheila L. 2004) In business area, as Friedman (2008) claims that ,“the pace of globalization is quickening and will continue to have a growing impact on business organization and practice.” Although there are a number of claimants that globalization is a new process that developed counties colonize developing counties, everybody has to admit it brings a lot of benefits, especially in business area. This essay will look at the both negative and positive aspects of globalization, how it influences the business and why generally it has improved business development, and then particularly consider how far it impacts on my subject –International Business. Globalization accompanied with controversies when it was born. George Monbiot (2008) argues that “the world's hungriest are the losers as an old colonialism returns to govern relations between wealthy and poor nations by globalization.” Globalization is dominated by the developed countries with economic and technological advantages, they use modern technology to dominate the world market, make rules of the game. As a result, developed countries continue to accumulate wealth but poverty in developing countries is increasing, which make the world a more uneven economic development and more serious gap. Globalization fails to help the poorest. In spite of the fact that there may be several disadvantages to globalization, the advantages are more obvious. First of all, with the significant progress of globalization, the investments of developed countries have rushed into developing countries, which bring the great benefits to the latter. For example, in China, the most advanced provinces are coastal provinces, and there are a lot of international companies, which improve local economic status and make the local people have better life than before. Thanks to the huge sums of foreign investment flows into Shanghai, in the last 15 years, it has been transformed into a spectacular city of 21 million people, with much more high buildings than New York, and its public transport system that will soon overtake London's in size. Secondly, the great developments of globalization lead to the flourish of the local industry, which can supply plenty of working opportunity to the developing countries. In the process of globalization local governments and companies have to change in response to globalization of the international economic situation. For example China has been adjusting the economic structure. In particular the development of the situation is to meet the requirements of globalization of financial, insurance, travel, pension services and other social sectors and departments have been rapidly to the market and privatization. These changes will, of course, increase working opportunities, including employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. Thirdly, people can choose more kinds of products and get something cheaper. If you go into a British home, you can find there are German furniture, Japanese household electrical appliances, small commodities that made in China and foods which flown in from every country in the world. In developing counties, with the progress of the globalization, high technological products make the local people’s life more convenient than before. Finally, globalization has brought the new ways of doing business, which contains both new business ideas and business rules. It also compelled the local companies to enhance their product standard to satisfy the equipments of international standard. Globalization has also improved international business a lot. International business is a subject which was born with globalization and a great extent affected by it. Usually it often means the business activities which are processed by multinational companies. In recent years, the domestic market has developed near to saturation in West countries, more and more companies seek for profits from oversea markets. At the same time, the open policies in some developing counties provide convenience for them do international business. In order to produce a good quality commodity with a competitive price, multinational companies prefer to countries where they can find low labors-costs, firmly political environment and enough resources. With the same products, the labor force in Africa is extremely much cheaper than in United Kingdom. As a result, a large number of multinational companies not only invest in developing countries but also built oversea branches direct do international business in them. In consequence, some developing countries such as China, India have become emergent economies with a very strong growth and prospective markets for investors. Globalization brings the trade liberalization which provides an opportunity for multinational companies carry on their international business. Nowadays companies from the western countries would be easily trades with people in other parts of the words. Thank to the trade liberalization which reduces the limitations on national boundaries around the world. It is not only beneficial to multinational companies-they do international business and earn the profits, but also improve the local economic development. A recently economic policy report show that “Agricultural liberalization is the key for poverty reduction constituting 28% of GDP in low-income countries and 2% in industrialized countries – but both developed and developing countries must liberalize." Even though, the benefits of trade liberalization have been contributed to many countries but some suggest that each countries might be attempt to ensure that domestic industries are protected from competition from foreign producers. Johann Hari(2008) comparison domestic industries to the children ,they also need education and learn skill “Before a country pushes its infant industries on to the world market, it needs to do just that. ” In conclusion, globalization is a double-edged sword, there are some negative effects, and however positive effects are more obvious, especially in business area. Globalization has significant influence to international business; it makes multinational companies develop oversea markets and brings the trade liberalization which provides an opportunity to carry on international business. With the development of globalization, further works needs to be done to avoid the clash between international business and local industries.



listening:business daily

1 abject
Toms company was bankrupt during the Great depression; then, he was in abject poverty
2 advocate
Some experts strongly advocate building more private colleges.
3 brutalthe
police have arrested the brutal sniper who commited Wednesday night s fatal shooting of a man at gas station just south of the nation s capital.
4 clumsy
you are so clumsy !look ! you are knocked over my cup of coffee again!
5 dignity
the dignity of the occasion was lost when he cut in with an unrefined joke
6 ferocious
the ferocious tiger tore the lamb apart with its teeth.
7 hound
the police are hounding him
8 idle
his words were just idle threats ; you do not have to take them too seriously
9 lavishhe
thought he would win her over by lavishing her with expensive gifts
10 nasty
i donot like the colour they have chosen for their new carpet- it looks really nasty



listening:business daily

Classic Film Clips(Duren)
somehow tap into these Pre-Cogs( 电影中的原句 )
Tap into=get inside and uncover sth. or get sth. better 深入了解什么,进一步了解什么
例句 I'd really like to tap into the overseas market. I think there's a lot of business opportunities there. 我很想探寻海外市场。我觉得那有很多商业机会。
To understand the American slang you really have to tap into the whole culture. 想学习美国俚语的话,你真的需要进一步了解它的整体文化。
In order to see the light, you have to risk the dark. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
See the light=learn and accept the full truth and the situation 明白真相
例句 Hopefully one day she'll see the light and realize that he's all wrong for her. 希望有一天她会看清事实,明白他并不适合她。
Before I got into the accident, I never wore a seat belt. Now that I've seen the light, I wear one all the time. 在出事故之前,我从不系安全带。可既然我已经知道了它的重要性,我就总是戴着它。
When the chips are down, when the pressure is on…………
When the chips are down 在你最无助,最脆弱的时候
例句 You are always there for me when the chips are down. I know I can always count on you. 每当我最无助的时候,你都在那里默默的支持我。我明白,我可以一直信赖你。
When the chips are down, you have to rely on your family for support. 当你最无助的时候,家是给你支持的地方。



listening:business daily

1. The accident happened because of terrible weather.The accident ........ bad weather. (RESULT)--> was a result of --> was the result of/happened as a result of
2. The train was cancelled so I missed my appointment......... the cancellation I missed my appointment. (CONSEQUENCE)--> The consequence of --> As a consequence of
3. They decided to buy a new car because of the problems they were having with their old one.They decided to buy a new car ........ problems with their old one. (SINCE)--> since the time of--> since they had been having / since they were having / since they had had
4. We were unable to contact you as communications were so poor.We couldn't contact you ........ communications were so poor. (OWING)--> because our owning --> owing to the fact that
5. You have been late every morning this week so we have deducted the lost time from your wages.We have deducted money from your wages ........ you have been late every morning this week.(DUE)--> due to the fact is that --> due to the fact that
6. I was sent home from school because I was feeling sick.The student was sent home ........ the fact that he was feeling sick. (ACCOUNT)--> accountant into--> on account of
7. It was too far to walk so we caught the bus.We got the bus as ........ to walk. (ENOUGH)--> as not enough close --> it wasn't near enough / it was not near enough
8. The film was so boring that we decided to leave early......... we decided to leave early. (SUCH)--> what such a boring film -->It was such a boring film




In recent years the term globalization has become very popular. Government policy makers, leaders of political parties, business man, the mass media and normal people are all talking about the impact of globalization and how it changed our lives. But what is the meaning of globalization? Globalization is “the process of transformation of local or regional things or phenomena into global ones.”(Sheila L. 2004) It is generally agree that “the pace of globalization is quickening and will continue to have a growing impact on business organization and practice”(Friedman,2008) .Although there a number of arguments that claim globalization is a way that the developed counties designed to colonize the developing counties, everybody has to admit it brings a lot benefits, especially in business area. This essay will look at the negative and positive of globalization, how it influences the business and why generally it has improved business development, it main effect on economy aspect and business mind aspect.

Globalization accompanied by controversy when it born. George Monbiot (2008) argues that the world's hungriest are the losers as an old colonialism returns to govern relations between wealthy and poor nations by globalization. Globalization is dominated by the developed countries with economic and technological advantages, they use modern technology to dominate the world market, make "Rules of the game''.
As a result the developed countries continue to accumulate wealth and poverty in developing countries is increasing which make the world a more uneven economic development and more serious polarization. According to Joseph Stiglitz, Globalization fails to help the poorest.

In spite of the fact that there may be a couple of disadvantages to globalization, the advantages are more obvious especially in business area.

With the significant progress of globalization, the investments of the developed countries have rushed into the developing countries, which bring the great benefits to the latter. For example, in China, the most advanced provinces are coastal provinces, there are a lot of international companies, which improve local economic status and make the local people have better life than before. Thanks to the huge sums of foreign investment flows into Shanghai, in the last 15 years, it has been transformed into a glittering city of 21 million people, with more skyscrapers than New York and a public transport system that will soon overtake London's in size.

The great developments of the globalization lead to the flourish of the local industry, which can supply plenty of working opportunity to the developing countries. In the process of globalization, multinational companies continue to enter developing country, while in response to the globalization of the international economic situation. For example China has been adjusting the economic structure. In particular the development of the situation is to meet the requirements of globalization of financial, insurance, credit agencies, health care, travel, catering and hotel services, pension services, advisory services and other social sectors and departments have been rapidly to the market and privatization. These changes will, of course, increase work opportunities, including employment and entrepreneurial opportunities.

People can choose more kinds product and get something cheaper. If you go into a British home, you can find there are German furniture productions, Japanese household electrical appliances, cheap commodity made in China and eat food which flown in from every country in the world.

5 With the progress of the globalization, the high technology products make the local people’s life more convenient than before.

6 The globalization has brought the new ways of doing business, which contains both the new business ideas, and business rules.
7 The globalization has compelled the local company to enhance their product standard to satisfy the equipments of the international standard.



Classic Film Clips On the lam=escape from sth.,usually from the law 潜逃
例句 He was on the lam from the police after they found out he was using stolen credit cards. 他被警方发现偷盗信用卡之后就一直潜逃。
You're gonna have to go on the lam if you don't wanna go to jail. 不想坐牢的话就快逃。
Are you reading my mind right now?
Read one's mind=understand what they're thinking or feeling without their telling you 读透……的心思
例句 We spend so much time together.I feel like I can read your mind. 我们相处这么久了,我想我明白你是怎么想的。
Just because you know I like Tom Cruise,it doesn't mean you can read my mind. 你不要以为你知道我喜欢汤姆.克鲁斯,就认为你很了解我。
I need you to hack into her.
Hack into=break into sth. by unusual means 侵入
Hacker 黑客
例句 Young man.I need you to hack into the computer and find the missing files. 年轻人,我要你侵入电脑里,把我们丢失的文件找回来。
Let's try to hack into the building by going up the fire escape. 我们试试从防火通道进入大楼吧。


1 ........ I didn't really enjoy the course, but after a while I really started to enjoy it. In the beginning
2 ........ of the film the main character arrives in town looking for somewhere to stay. At the beginning
3 We waited ages for a bus. ........ we decided to walk home. Eventually
4 The audience waited patiently for the delayed performance to start. ........ the curtain rose. At last
5 I waited for you ........ 10.00. I finally decided you weren't coming. until
6 I managed to get the house tidy ........ my parents got home. before
7........ had I gone to bed than I heard the phone ring. Hardly
8 I played a lot of tennis ........ I was on holiday. while



Classic Film ClipsCold blooded=deceitful,heartless and selfish 冷血的,狠毒的,自私的
例句 You knew I like Sarah.Why did you ask her out?That was really cold blooded. 你知道我喜欢莎拉,还约她出去?你可真够狠的。
Stealing that little boy's skateboard was really cold blooded.You even don't know how to ride it. 你都不知道怎么滑就偷人家小男孩的滑板,你可真够差劲的。

As soon as we turn our backs
Turn your back=look away or pay no attention 不理睬
例句 As soon as I turn my back,I knew you are gonna steal my job. 我不看都知道你惦记着我的那个职位。 Every time I ask you for help,you turn your back on me.why? 每次我向你求助你都不理不睬,为什么?

1 The team haven't been playing too well. ......, they are expected to win this afternoon .(Nevertheless)
2 ........ in nearly every country in the world they drive on the right, in England they insist on driving on the left. (While)
3 ........ to the north, which will remain warm and sunny, the south will become cloudy during the early morning. (In contrast)
4 He couldn't get the machine to work ........ following the instructions carefully. (despite)
5 I'm not tired at all. ........, I'm feeling full of energy.(On the contrary)
6 ........ the computer had recently been repaired, it still kept crashing. (Although)
7 I know we agreed to raise the issue at the next meeting ........ we simply won't have the time to discuss it. (but)
8 The man was arrested ........ claiming to have been nowhere near the scene of the crime.(in spite of)



Classic Film ClipsYou'll always have next year. 你还是有机会的。(安慰人的话)
例句 Don't worry about not making varsity team.you'll always have next year. 别担心没进校队的事,你还有机会的。
Varsity team 校队
Ahhh,I missed my favorate band. Well,I guess you'll always have next year. 啊,我最喜欢的乐队来,我没赶上。 我想你会有机会再见到他们的。
The ladies,before you know it,always wanna move to a bigger tree.
Before you know it=something's happened very very quickly while you won't pay attention. 在你不知不觉中。
例句 One day your daughter's crawling around in diapers,before you know it she's dating a guy driving a motorcycle. 那时候你女儿还在尿布上爬呢,不知不觉地,她现在都能跟骑摩托的小伙子约会了。 If you start saving now,before you know it,you'll have enough money for college. 如果你现在开始攒钱,不知不觉中,你就能供自己上大学了。

1 I overslept this morning. ........ , my car ran out of petrol on the way to work. (not only that)
2 The report is expected to be critical of the industry. ........, it is likely to recommend extensive changes to production. (Futhermore)
3 The witness claims to have seen the suspect at the scene of the crime. ........, the police are in possession of video evidence of the man entering the building. (Moreover)
4 ........ the wonderful main meal we also had a delicious pudding. (Besides)
5 If you're going into town could you get me some shampoo? ........, we need some more bread. (Also)
6 Payments to your account have fallen behind considerably. ........, on several occasions your credit limit has been exceeded. (moreover)
7 It was a brilliant game. ........, we didn't have to pay to get in! (what's more)
8 The meeting concluded without any agreement being reached. ........, several further issues arose. (_in additon)



Classic Film ClipsShow some backbone 把你的勇气拿出来,把你的决心拿出来。
Bone 脊椎,脊柱
例句 Mom is good at keeping everyone together.She is the backbone of the family. 妈妈经常把大家召集到一块,她是这个家的主心骨。
Hey Mark ,c'mom buddy,why don't you show some backbone and ask her out?I know you like her,right? 嘿,马克,拿出勇气把她约出来,我知道你喜欢她。
Clear sth. right up 消除疑虑,消除误会,解决问题
例句 If you start taking Vitamin C, it will clear that cold right up. 如果你吃点维生素C,感冒就会好起来的。 There's obviosly been a mistake,let's clear this right up so we can all start working together as a team. 一定是有什么误会,让我们来消除它们吧。这样我们才能继续一起干。

grammer about reference
1.the following mean that the writer is presenting a case:argue claim consider hypothesise suggest believe think state.e.g. Martin claimed that many mergers led to lower profits.

2. A second group describe a reaction to another writer's position:accept admit ageree deny doubt
e.g. Handlesmith doubts Martin's cliam that lower profits resulted from...

3 Other include:assume conclude discover explain implyindicate maintain presume reveal showe.g.
Pael(2003)assumes that inflation will remain low.Borovna implies a close realtion between the Queen and her minister.

4.A small group of verbs is followed by (somebody/thing+for +noun/gerund):blame censure commend condemn criticise
e.g.Lee blamed foreign investors for the panic.NB All except commend have a negative meaning.somebody/thing+as+noun/gerundassess characterise classify define describeevaluate indentify interpret portray present




listen business daily


The downturn in facts and figures

Classic Film Clips
Let me practice on your head 我要给你点颜色看看;我要教训教训你(威胁)。
例句 Hey,either you stop criticizing my cooking or I start practicing on your head. 喂,你再对我的厨艺挑三拣四,别怪我对你不客气。
Up for sth. 愿意,并有精力和能力去做……
例句 You know what?It's a long hike to the top of the mountain.Are you sure you're up for it? 你知道么,现在离山顶还有好长一段路呢,你确定你要上么? I've been working all day long.I'm really tired.I don't think I'm up for going out with you tonight. 我干了一天的活,真的太累了。我想我今晚不能跟你出去了



listen business daily
today it talk about the programme on the golbal shipping industry.It's a sector which has experienced a huge boom, thanks to investments from banks and hedge funds. but there some problems about it such as the building destroy.the market is good ,the golbal economy also raising.also talk about some Chinese BDI will come down.
1 They put a magnifying glass on it.put a magnifying glass on something
e.g. You really need to put a magnifying glass on any contract before signing it.
The plan’s good, but we’re going to put a magnifying glass on it to look for any small mistakes.这个计划不错,但是我们还是要认真看看,有没有什么小错误。
2 The host with the most.等于 someone is a very good host.
e.g. My parties are excellent I’m the host with the most.
There was no beer or food at his place. He’s not exactly the host with the most.



listen business daily

Classic Film Clips《Minority Report》
1 He had them swapped out to fool the scanners.Swap=trade or exchange sth. 交换,更换。
例句 I didn't like the color of my jacket. So I went back to the store and swapped it for another one. 我不喜欢这件外套的颜色,于是我返回店里换了另外一件。
My brother and I accidentally swapped school bags this morning. So I didn't have my homework for English class. Boy ,did I sure get into trouble. 今早我和我哥哥把书包给拿错了,结果到英语课上我没能交上作业。你说,是不是很麻烦。
2 Crawl your way out of one hole, just to find yourself in another 祸不单行
Crawl your way out of one hole 摆脱困境例句 What? Your girlfriend found out you lied to her. I'd like to see you crawl your way out of the hole. 什么?你的女朋友发现你骗了她。好吧,我倒要看看你怎么解决。Bad luck today. First I sprained my ankle, now I break my leg. Talk about finally crawling your way out of one hole, just to find yourself in another. 今天太背了!我先是把脚踝扭伤,现在腿又骨折了。正所谓祸不单行啊。
3 Dig up the past=bring back attention to old issues or just bad memories. 旧事重提例句 Every time I see Lily, I get very upset. She's always trying to dig up the past. 我每次见到Lily都会弄得很不愉快。她总想旧事重提。Let's not dig up the past. I'm sick to fighting about things that happened 10 years ago. 我们别再翻旧账了好么。都过去十年了,现在提起还有什么意思啊。



listen business daily

Classic film clips
(1)we gotta get these people out of harm's way例:If you walk home alone at night, you're putting yourself directly in harm's way. 如果你夜里独自回家,等于自找危险。
(2)an act of faith 很有信心例:Moving to ShangHai required an act of faith , I didn't know if I would be able to find work but I did.定居上海需要足够的自信。很难说我能否找到工作,但是,我做到了。
(3)show a little charity 大方一点 means to be generous with your wealth例: Your business is doing very well , why don't you show a little charity and donate some money to our community.你挣那么多。为什么不大方些,为咱们社区捐点钱呢?You have so many girlfriends, can't you just introduce me to one of them? show a little charity , man !你有那么多女朋友,为什么不给我介绍一个呢?大方点吧,哥们~!


monday 18 AUGUST

listen business daily

Classic Film Clips
《Minority Report》
1 somehow tap into these Pre-Cogs
Tap into=get inside and uncover sth. or get sth. better 深入了解什么,进一步了解什么
例句 I'd really like to tap into the overseas market. I think there's a lot of business opportunities there. 我很想探寻海外市场。我觉得那有很多商业机会。
To understand the American slang you really have to tap into the whole culture.
2 In order to see the light, you have to risk the dark.
See the light=learn and accept the full truth and the situation 明白真相
例句 Hopefully one day she'll see the light and realize that he's all wrong for her.
Before I got into the accident, I never wore a seat belt. Now that I've seen the light, I wear one all the time.
3 When the chips are down, when the pressure is on…………When the chips are down 在你最无助,最脆弱的时候
例句 You are always there for me when the chips are down. I know I can always count on you. 每当我最无助的时候,你都在那里默默的支持我。我明白,我可以一直信赖你。
When the chips are down, you have to rely on your family for support.


writing draft about CCTV

Nowadays, the technologies of CCTV, NDA databases, biometrics and other monitoring systems are used everywhere in people’ daily life. Just in British tens of thousands of cameras operate in public places and the government invests betweenm150 to 300 million pounds per year and there about 3000 DNA match a month, more than 3million samples held. A common viewpoint is that fight crime by using the tracking systems it help the police track the criminal and make people feel safer. Those technologies, however, are not only the benefits sometimes they also infringe liberty and personal privacy. An example of this is a research by UK home office display that 72 per cent agreed "these cameras could easily be abused and used by the wrong people". More than one respondent in ten believed that CCTV cameras should be banned []. The movie ‘the emery of state ‘ show us what will happen when the monitoring systems are abused. This essay will argue how the tracking systems influence us and provide an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of them. The first part of this essay will introduce what is monitoring systems, when did they come and how they work. The second part will explore why they can become an infringement on personal privacy. Finally, try to find how to carry forward the function and avoid the harm.


wednesday 6 august

business daily
Zimbabwe currency chaos takes ,the reporter belived that the country's economy crumble there lock food and a lot of people will dea.
经典对白 选自“Speed”生死时速
(1)You're the expert , I just work here (片中)
I just work here 我只是干活的,不能做决定
例:I can't tell you how to run the company, you're the boss, I just work here . 我不知道如何经营公司。 你是老板,我只是个打工的。
Don't ask me how we choose the movies for this show, I just work here. 不要问我是如何为这个节目挑选影片的,我可作不了主。
(2)He's cutting it close做 .....来不及(临时抱佛脚)
例:The test is tomorrow morning and we haven't even started study yet, that’s cutting it too close.
明早就测验了,咱们可还没开始复习哪。 咱们抓紧看看吧。
(3)I don't know , Gut feeling (片中)
Gut feeling 预感
例:I have a gut feeling, she likes me, so I 'm gonna ask her out.
凭直觉,她喜欢我。 所以我要约她出去。
I have a gut feeling, this landlord is honest, and so I think we should move in here. 我感觉这个房东挺厚道的。 所以我想咱们该搬进来吧

tuesday 5 august

I watch the video about beijing Olympic which have a link on JIM's blog

I am not pleased with the beginning in that it only talk about the negative in China and mislead the specator. I majority agree with the Chinese guy 's opintion who is in the program. Most people don't know China , of course China do have a lot problems such human rights ,demostracy however as the American guy said in the program the demostray cann't bulit in one night.In two days the Olympic will be held but in this program full of the voice of critism and no beatitude which made me uncomfortable.


feedback of seminar

  • How good was I?A:2,there was a problem with my speaking because I found it a little difficult to remember my opinion sometimes I only read my notes which I researched.
  • Had I done enough research and preparation?A:1,Yes.I think I research a lot information seminar.I read all online sources on the book and make notes, in addition I research some data about the topic.
  • Did I speak enough during the seminar?A:2,at the beginning, I did not speak a lot ,with the time going I argue with my group member and give my opinion.
  • Was I a good listener?A:1, Yes.I try my best to listen everybody’s talking
  • Did I argue my opinion clearly?A:3,I'm sure about that and I did a conclusion to repeat my opinion.
  • Did I give reasons,examples and evidence to support my opinions?A:2,yes I give the example and data to support my opinion.
  • Did I ask relevant questions to other people?A:2,when my member give his opinion I asked him a question
  • Was the language I used accurate?A:3,there were still some mistakes about grammar vocabulary and pronunciation.
  • Had I prepared the language I need before the seminar?A:3,I didn't do that,I will try next time.
  • Did I direct the discussion or help keep the discussion moving in the right direction?A:2,I didn't do something about that because we discuss in the right direction all the time.
  • Could other people clearly understand what I was saying?A:3,I have some mistakes about pronunciation
  • Did I work well with the other people in my group?A:2,I have a good time in the seminar.


Before the seminar I reached a lot on the Internet and make a lot notes, my preparative is good. However when the seminar began I don't know how to star and became a listener.Whit the time going, I join in the discuss and give my opinions about the topic, argued whit the the members.I am not pleased whit my pronunciation and I should do something about that. Our group worked very well had a good discussion and keep the it move in the right direction all the time.



The unfairness of international subsidies
CARICOM countries have petitioned the World Trade Organistion to extend their export subsidy programmes to 2018.The request has come amid trade quarrels between the US and the European Union (EU).The WTO Committee decided that the request for an extension will be considered in October this year.
listen 'business daily'
in this listening inteoduce some dangerous policies in Russia economic,allegations of bullying tactics by the Russian government.interview a person who called jim he told what "we"do to against Russia and how to make normal business decisions in such a potentially profitable market.
in the second part ,talk about a south Korean woman who flouted her fathers wishes, and became a successful business leader in her own right.
Classic film clips 经典对白 选自“Beauty and Beast "
(1)what a pleasant surprise 意外的惊喜
例:Helen, I didn't knew you were coming to the party, what a pleasant surprise
Hey, Helen, I didn't know you work here too, what a pleasant surprise
(2)There isn't a girl in town , who wouldn't love to be in your shoes .(片中)
in one's shoes 成为....;处在...位置 = in one's situation
例:The boss is mad at you; I wouldn't want to be in your shoes
You won the lottery; I'd love to be in your shoes
(3)I ' m speechless 说不出话来
=I 'm so surprised and I don't know what to say
I'm at a loss for words (以前学过)
例:You are getting married, that’s so wonderful, and I’m speechless
How could you be so stupid, I'm speechless。


India blamed for Doha collapse by trying to protect poor farmers

Global trade relations slumped to a new low after the US and Europe blamed India's efforts to protect its army of poor farmers for the collapse of the Doha.that would allow India to place tariffs on imported agricultural commodities in the case of a surge of such goods into the country.
listen 'business daily'

this listening talk about how developing countries can best support their farming industries should they give subsidies to big commercial growers . In zimbabwe the famer lcak water and other stuff for farming and they are very hard to provide their produce into market.
second part talking about the blog,why people do bolg, how do it and what can on blog, now can make money from it, main arim is share interest information.
Classic film clips
(1)just in case 以防万一
例:Well it may be sunny outside , but bring an umbrella just in case if it rains .
I brought some extra money just in case you don't have enough.
(2)This is a standoff (片中)
standoff 僵局,僵持不下
例:Two guys are equally strong, the fight ended in a standoff .
Sally and Jeff both have excellent arguments so the debate ended in a standoff.
be tied 平局
例:The score is two to two , the game is tied.


home work write a introduction
If people want to know some information they usually get it from the media. Media influence has grown with the advance of technology, first there was the telegraph, then the radio, the newspaper, magazines, television and now the internet. It is generally agreed that media has a huge impact on our daily life. On one hand the media offer us news, entertainment and education. On the other hand it also brings some negative factors which are unexpected. “Fifty-seven percent of television programs contain psychologically harmful violence” (Kaufman). In media the world is a risky and dangerous place, there are full of crime behaviors which are usually mimicked in real society. It is often argued that media images are harmful for the world both in terms of the safe in society and education. However this essay will argue that how the media images affect our life and provide an overview of the advantage and disadvantages of it, how people can avoid the dangerously influence. The first part of essay will introduce the history of media and looking for the positive and negative of the media. In the second part will explore the main reason for why the media image dangerously influence. Finally try to look the way how to avoid the bad affect.
Classic Film Clips(Duren)
You back-Stabbing murderer.你这阴险的杀人犯。
Back-stabbing adj.阴险的,暗箭伤人的,小人的
例句 Don't trust that back-stabbing guy.He will steal all your money as soon as he has a chance.
Back-stabber n.阴险的人,背信弃义的人。
例句 I was in love with my girlfriend untill I found out that she told all her girlfriends that I was stupid.She's such a back-stabber.
A lesser man would've talked under such torture.
A lesser man 不太正直的人。例句 Thank you for returning my wallet. A lesser man would have kept it for himself. You are a lesser man than he is. Because you lied to me


listen 'business daily'
the first part talk about the alcohol,intervier the boss of the world's number one drinks company ,it can carry on growing through troubled times people still spend their money on alcohol.
Classic Film Clips
She's in pretty bad shape.她的状况很不好。
例句 That bicycle is in pretty bad shape.I'll only give you 30 bucks for that. 这辆自行车这么烂,我只出30块钱。
He was in pretty bad shape after his girlfriend broke up with him. 因为跟女朋友分手了,所以他的精神状况非常糟。
This is gonna be tough on both of you.
Be tough on sb.= 1. be very hard work to accomplish one's goal.对……来说很难。 2. 对……要求严格,苛刻
例句 Now I know all these studying is tough on you.But when you get accepted to college you'll be happy. 我知道现在对你来说学习很难,可一旦你上了大学,你的前途就一片光明了。
The coach was just being tough on you because he can see your potential. 教练对你要求严格是因为他知道你很有潜力。

Let's not make this any harder than it has to be.
Make sth. harder than it has to be=make something easy into something difficult 把……弄得很复杂,多此一举。
例句 Dave is making it harder than it has to be by insisting we wait for the red light before we cross the street. Dave坚持说要等红灯变绿灯我们才能过马路。他真是多此一举。 Don't make it harder than it has to be.Just do what boss says so we can all get out here early. 你就别添乱了,只要按老板说的去做,我们都能早早收工。


self study on jim's blog questions

1 Looking at the information on both the websites – what should a good introduction contain?
  • It should include a few general statements about the subject to provide a background to your essay and to attract the reader's attention.
  • It should also include a statement of the specific subdivisions of the topic and/or indication of how the topic is going to be tackled in order to specifically address the question
  • It should introduce the central idea or the main purpose of the writing.
  • provide an overview of the coverage and/or structure of the writing

2 On the University of Manchester page, look at the suggested language for different sections of the introduction. Which verb tenses are most commonly used in each section?

  • Establishing the importance of the topic:

present simple

  • Establishing the importance of the topic (time frame given):

present perfect:Recent developments in X have heightened the need for ......

past simple:X proved an important literary genre in the early Y community

  • Highlighting a problem or controversy in the field of study

present contiue :However, these rapid changes are having a serious effect

present simple :However, a major problem with this kind of application is ......

present perfect:To date there has been little agreement on what ......

  • Highlighting a knowledge gap in the field of study:

present perfec:So far, however, there has been little discussion about

  • Focus and aim:

future:This paper will focus on/examine/give an account of ......

present simple :This paper seeks to address the following questions:

  • Outline of structure:

past simple:The main questions/issues addressed in this paper are: a), b and c)

present perfect:The essay has been organised in the following way.

future:The first section of this paper will examine ......

  1. What is the introduction a chance for you to do?

The chance to make a first impression

  1. Why do you think planning is important when you are writing an introduction?


thursday 24 JULY

Beneath Olympic glitter, a 20th-century mindset

for the occasion
That's plenty to chew on
conforms to
on behalf of
triumphed over
approach to

Classic film clips

(1)buddy up with somebody :two means = become friend 交朋友
= very close to somebody 拉近关系
例:Can I buddy up with you ?I need a new lab partner for chemistry class.
You should buddy up with someone , you don't want to get lost in the crowd.
(2)drawing a blank 一片空白
I' m totally drawing a blank .( 片中)
例:I can't remember the name of that restaurant we went to last night ,I 'm drawing a blank
I'm drawing a blank , what was your brother's name again.
(3)beat it out of somebody 逼...说出(开玩笑)
例:She wouldn't tell me the name of her new boyfriend ,I practically had to beat it out of her . He didn't want to tell me the address to the party , I had to beat it out of him.




see a lecture from youtube



read some article about television from BBC in order to preparing the seminar

Future of TV: New technologies


Millions turn to net for pirate TV


Online video 'eroding TV viewing'


BBC news




Barclays finance chief quits over 'grinding rules'

⒈用do\does\did + V可表强调
Some people do believe that nuclear power poses a threat to the world peace.
⒉adv或adj可表强调:Never \ only\ Very
This is the very question that deserves careful analysis.

Taking part-time jobs is never without drawbacks.
What really matters is cooperation.
Littlie do people take into account the seriousness of this problem.
Nothing is more imperative than to learn from the past.
It is \was +被强调部份+ that \ who +原句剩余部份
It is stability that destroys people’s ambition and barricades people’s steps.
It is through competition that children can learn the meaning of courage

1. I feel that’s a bum rap.
bum rap 意思是 受冤枉 等于 getting unfair blame
e.g. Just because you gained 10 kilos doesn’t mean it’s my fault. What a bum rap to blame me!
It was a bum rap. Eddie didn’t steal those paintings.
2. get the picture? 等于 do you understand? 你明白了么?
e.g. If you ask your mother for $5 and I ask mine, we’ll have $10, get the picture?
I can’t come out because I have to study. I need to pass the test. Get the picture?
我不能出去玩了,我得学习. 我需要通过考试.明白么?
3. take for granted 意思是 把什么东西当作是理所当然
e.g. His support cannot be taken for granted. We must ask him first.
I never thank my mum. I take her love for granted.


Finance firm issues Visa card with 365% rate

about food


1 They put a magnifying glass on it.
put a magnifying glass on something 意思是要非常仔细认真的分析和思考某一个事情
e.g. You really need to put a magnifying glass on any contract before signing it.
The plan’s good, but we’re going to put a magnifying glass on it to look for any small mistakes.
2 The host with the most.

等于 someone is a very good host. 某人是个很好的主人
e.g. My parties are excellent I’m the host with the most.
There was no beer or food at his place. He’s not exactly the host with the most.


Learn the basics of student finance




the richest of the rich



1.Let’s pick it up !
to pick something up it means to improve or to do something faster .
pick something up 有好多解释,如:拣东西,买物品,加速。在这里当提高讲。
e.g. If you want to get into Harvard . You’re gonna need to pick up your work !
Since he’s been training every day . His football skills have been picked up .
2. We’re on a tight schedule
be on a tight schedule it means they’ve not much time to waste . 时间紧迫,迫在眉睫。
e.g. I was going to go sightseeing when I passed through Chicago .
But my schedule was too tight.
3.I’ve got something I got to handle .
handle to handle something it means to take care of all responsibility on the situation or a task. 处理某事
e.g. I don’t think I could handle having more than two children .
He had to leave the party early to handle some problem at work . 他得提早离席,因为单位里有事情要办。




Northern Foods finance head Jez Maiden joins National Express


world' richest kids

Classic Film Clips
1. What’s up?
(1)=What’s happening? (发生什么事啦)
(2) =How are you doing ?(你最近怎么样)
So what’s up, are we going to the movies tonight? 你最近怎么样,今晚一起去看电影如何?
She’s been really upset all day ,I don’t know what’s up with her? 她一整天都心烦意乱的,我不知道她是怎么了?
2. watch your back =be careful 小心
It's a very dangerous situation, you really need you watch you back to avoid getting hurt 那里很危险,你要小心受伤。
3. You feel me 你懂我的意思吗
feel my friend .I know exactly what you’re saying. 我懂我朋友的意思,我非常知道你在说什么。
I explained to him twice now, but I’m worried he doesn’t know what I’m trying to tell him. 我都向他解释两次了,但是我担心他还是不知道我想告诉他什么。




In last 10 years, people attach importance to drinking problem especially binge-drinking in young person who still study in school. The average amount consumed by persistent young drinkers has “increased sharply” and is now double the number of units consumed in 1990. Binge-drinking is not only damaging to health but it makes individuals vulnerable to harm. For example The British Crime Survey shows that 46 per cent of victims of violent incidents believed the offender to be under the influence of alcohol and 18-24 year-olds are most often associated with alcohol related offences. What is more surprising is that female students are drink more than male students in British. In London there are a lot international students,it may be a far cry from their exotic homeland ,but they also have the drinking habit in oversea.

However, the purpose of our research is try to find out if female international students drink less/more/the same as male students, if they drink less/more/the same as they did in their countries and find the reason.


The responders are all international students who study English courses in London Metropolitan University. The sample size was 20 (10males and 10 females), the students were from different countries and different class in London Metropolitan University.

Data collection
This was carried out through the use of a questionnaire which contained with their drinking questions. This comprised 2 questions about their drinking habit in their country, 6 questions about drinking in London and one interview about why they change the drinking habit in London. After finish questionnaires the data were got.


The data explain that most students (65%) have drinking habit in their countries, this is higher among men (80%, compared to 50% of women). A lot of students (35%) drink once a week.

Half responders drink about 2-5cans once they drink, the interesting thing is male and female have the equal number in this (50%).

When they come to London, there are also 65% students have drinking habit, male is higher too (70%, compared to 60% female) but we can find the number is fall in men with it raise in women counterparts. No one drink everyday, and people who drink a couple per week climb to 25%. About two third men students drink more than 2cans which is double the number of women students (30%).
Mostly of the responders (80%) changed deinking habit between their county, it is a bit higher in female (86%to 75% of male)
The reason they changed drink habit Main concentrated in:
1 different culture
2 no friends
3 beers is expensive in London
4 dangerous in London
All the responders go to drink with their friend, in other word on one drink alone.
The place where they usually go to drink is the pub (74%), what surprising is that no one drinks in the restaurant.
Most respondents (70%) assert in British female students drink more than male students is not true.



Europe raises interest rate to 7-year high


Q1 WHY Europe raises interest rate get hight?

Anxieties over mounting inflationary risks in the 15-nation ,ECB in order to avoid inflation

Q2 interest rate will continue grow?

Economists believe it will continue grow because as price pressures continue to build, were likely to make today’s interest rate increase a one-off move for the year.





Classic Film Clips
《Minority Report》

1 somehow tap into these Pre-Cogs

Tap into=get inside and uncover sth. or get sth. better 深入了解什么,进一步了解什么
例句 I'd really like to tap into the overseas market. I think there's a lot of business opportunities there. 我很想探寻海外市场。我觉得那有很多商业机会。
To understand the American slang you really have to tap into the whole culture. 想学习美国俚语的话,你真的需要进一步了解它的整体文化。
2 In order to see the light, you have to risk the dark. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子
See the light=learn and accept the full truth and the situation 明白真相
例句 Hopefully one day she'll see the light and realize that he's all wrong for her. 希望有一天她会看清事实,明白他并不适合她。
Before I got into the accident, I never wore a seat belt. Now that I've seen the light, I wear one all the time. 在出事故之前,我从不系安全带。可既然我已经知道了它的重要性,我就总是戴着它。
3 When the chips are down, when the pressure is on…………
When the chips are down 在你最无助,最脆弱的时候
例句 You are always there for me when the chips are down. I know I can always count on you. 每当我最无助的时候,你都在那里默默的支持我。我明白,我可以一直信赖你。
When the chips are down, you have to rely on your family for support. 当你最无助的时候,家是给你支持的地方。




Jim Pettigrew: the Scot with a nose for finance



Classic Film Clips《Minority Report》

1 He had them swapped out to fool the scanners.
Swap=trade or exchange sth. 交换,更换。
例句 I didn't like the color of my jacket. So I went back to the store and swapped it for another one. 我不喜欢这件外套的颜色,于是我返回店里换了另外一件。
My brother and I accidentally swapped school bags this morning. So I didn't have my homework for English class. Boy ,did I sure get into trouble. 今早我和我哥哥把书包给拿错了,结果到英语课上我没能交上作业。你说,是不是很麻烦。
2 Crawl your way out of one hole, just to find yourself in another 祸不单行
Crawl your way out of one hole 摆脱困境
例句 What? Your girlfriend found out you lied to her. I'd like to see you crawl your way out of the hole. 什么?你的女朋友发现你骗了她。好吧,我倒要看看你怎么解决。
Bad luck today. First I sprained my ankle, now I break my leg. Talk about finally crawling your way out of one hole, just to find yourself in another. 今天太背了!我先是把脚踝扭伤,现在腿又骨折了。正所谓祸不单行啊。
3 Dig up the past=bring back attention to old issues or just bad memories. 旧事重提
例句 Every time I see Lily, I get very upset. She's always trying to dig up the past. 我每次见到Lily都会弄得很不愉快。她总想旧事重提。
Let's not dig up the past. I'm sick to fighting about things that happened 10 years ago. 我们别再翻旧账了好么。都过去十年了,现在提起还有什么意思啊。


our group question for drinking
We want to find out if female international students drink less/more/the same as male students and if they drink less/more/the same as they did in their countries (and why?)?

1.How old are you?a.18-21 b.22-25 c.26-30 d.over 30

2.What's your gender?a.male b.female

3.Which country are you from?

4.How long have you been in London?a.less than 1 month b. 1-3months c.3-6months d. 6-12months e.more than 1 year

5. How often did you drink in your country?a.none b.less than once a week c.once a week d. a couple of times a week e.everyday

6.How much did you drink at a time in your country?a.one can(325ml) b.2-5cans c.more than 5cans

7.How often do you drink in London?a.none b.less than once a week c.once a weekd.a couple of times a week e.everyday

8.How much do you drink at a time in London?a.one can(325ml) b.2-5cans c.more than 5 cans

9.Who do you drink with?a.alone b.friends c.family d.other( )

10.Where do you drink?a.at home b.in PUB c.in restaurants d.other( )

11.If you changed your drinking habbit, tell me the reason.

12.Do you agree that women drink more than men?a.Yes b.No c.No idea


If the football at Euro 2008 ain't broke, what's to fix?




1 altitude

sentence:the plane flew at an altitude of 20000 metres.
definition: hight above sea-level

2 ascend

sentence:the fire balloon ascended to a height os 500feet in graceful curve
definition:go up

3 climax

sentence:it is time to bring the matters to a climax now.

4 gravity

sentence:anything that is dropped falls towards the centre of the earth because of the pull of gravity
definition:the earth pulls them towards the centre of the planet

5 inferior

sentence:this design is inferior to the one the British company proposed, so we would not accept it
definition:worse ;lower

6 hierarchy

sentence:he wastaught to put honesty first in his hierarchy of values.
definition:system with grades of authority status the lowest to the highest

7 aggregate

sentence:due to your effort , the aggregate sale in our market have increased a lot.
definition: assembled group or amount

8 diminish

sentence: the delay may well have diminished the impact of their campaign

9 gauge

sentence:I gauge the distance to the the office building to be about 200metres.
definition:a test

10 nought

sentence:unfortunately,all their plans came to nought
definition: nothing


Traditional Chinese medical could be a remedy for failure in Olympics


be your own investigative journalist


Classic film clips

(1)we gotta get these people out of harm's way

例:If you walk home alone at night, you're putting yourself directly in harm's way. 如果你夜里独自回家,等于自找危险。
(2)an act of faith 很有信心
例:Moving to ShangHai required an act of faith , I didn't know if I would be able to find work but I did.
(3)show a little charity 大方一点 means to be generous with your wealth
例: Your business is doing very well , why don't you show a little charity and donate some money to our community.
You have so many girlfriends, can't you just introduce me to one of them? show a little charity , man !


Premier Wen Jiabao pledges to fight inflation gripping China


alberto's new neighbous


Classic Film Clips <Beauty and Beast>
(1)what a pleasant surprise 意外的惊喜
例:Helen, I didn't knew you were coming to the party, what a pleasant surprise
Hey, Helen, I didn't know you work here too, what a pleasant surprise
(2)There isn't a girl in town , who wouldn't love to be in your shoes .
in one's shoes 成为....;处在...位置 = in one's situation
例:The boss is mad at you; I wouldn't want to be in your shoes
You won the lottery; I'd love to be in your shoes
(3)I ' m speechless 说不出话来
=I 'm so surprised and I don't know what to say
I'm at a loss for words (以前学过)
例:You are getting married, that’s so wonderful, and I’m speechless How could you be so stupid, I'm speechless。




An unknown goddess

Some time ago, and interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. Houses -- often three storeys high -- were built of stone. They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls. The city was equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times. In the most sacred room of temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B.C. It's missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C. This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips. She was wearing a full- length skirt which swept the ground. Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity.


Q :How did the archaeologists know that the statue was a goddess?
R: Because it was found in sacred room of temple


goddess(tile) n. 女神
archaeologist n. 考古学家
Aegean adj. 爱玲海的
explore v. 考察,勘探
promontory n. 海角
prosperous adj. (经济上)繁荣的,昌盛的
civilization n. 文明
storey n. 楼层
drainage n. 排水
worship n. 祟拜
sacred adj. 宗教的,神圣的
fragment n. 碎片
remains n. 遗物,遗迹,废墟
classical adj. (希腊和罗马)古化的
reconstruct v. 修复
rest v. 倚放,放置
hip n. 屁股,臀部
full-length adj. (裙衣)拖地长的
graceful adj. 优雅的
identity n. 身份


listen a article aeroplane and global warming

it about the airplane can cause globle warming ,plane produce more CO2 than other transport, and now a company offers a similar plane service, but invests money in energy saving projects .



face off

How's Pollacks?
He's going to need a little surgery, but he'll be okay.
What's up?
Special ops, they want a word.
Aw, forget it. I don't have the time.
Better make time, Sean
Recovered from jet wreckage. Found in Pollacks Troy's briefcase.
Porcelain casing , thermal cloak
nerve gas and biological payload
It's enough to flatten a square mile .
Then depending on the prevailing winds the fallout will be a tad worse
the Gulf war Syndrome
Biblical, a Biblical plagues that Fuck
Where is he?
Where is Pollack's Troy?

(1)what's up ?
special ops , They want a word
what's up : two means : first is " how are you " 打招呼
the second is " what's wrong with you " 出什么事了?
例:You look angry, what's up?
例:There's a reporter on the phone, he wants a word with you .
When your brother comes back ,I want a word with him.
(2)make time 抽出时间
例:I don't get enough exercise; I need to make time to get to the gym.
You work too hard, make some time for your family.




1 abject

Toms company was bankrupt during the Great depression; then, he was in abject poverty

2 advocate

Some experts strongly advocate building more private colleges.

3 brutal

the police have arrested the brutal sniper who commited Wednesday night s fatal shooting of a man at gas station just south of the nation s capital.

4 clumsy

you are so clumsy !look ! you are knocked over my cup of coffee again!

5 dignity

the dignity of the occasion was lost when he cut in with an unrefined joke

6 ferocious

the ferocious tiger tore the lamb apart with its teeth.

7 hound

the police are hounding him

8 idle

his words were just idle threats ; you do not have to take them too seriously

9 lavish

he thought he would win her over by lavishing her with expensive gifts

10 nasty
i donot like the colour they have chosen for their new carpet- it looks really nasty

11 mister
he really is a mister : for my brithday , he gave me a piece of grass he said it was the cheapest thing he could find

12 optimism

there is atouch of optimism in every worry about ones owen moral cleanliness.

13 renowned

the coast is renowed for its beautiful beaches

14 rigorous

capital spending is rigorously controlled

15 talented

she is really a talented writer

16 vigorous

we need a vigorous campaign to reduce deaths on the roads

17 virtutous

Sam s virtutous and superior tone was beginning to irritate me

18 vulgar

educated people should avoid using vulgar language

19 wisdom

i wonder where your wisdom has gone

20 spiritual

music provides an immensely satisfyingspiritual experience spiritual experience for many people

21 vegetarian

my wife is a vegetarian ,but she is ok with my eating meat


the story AESOP'S FABLE


one good turn deservesanother

he who is once deceived doubly cautious

contentment with our lot is an element of happiness



USE process is called SQ3R



Why is the fairer sex drinking so much?



young female students are now less concerned