

Classic Film Clips On the lam=escape from sth.,usually from the law 潜逃
例句 He was on the lam from the police after they found out he was using stolen credit cards. 他被警方发现偷盗信用卡之后就一直潜逃。
You're gonna have to go on the lam if you don't wanna go to jail. 不想坐牢的话就快逃。
Are you reading my mind right now?
Read one's mind=understand what they're thinking or feeling without their telling you 读透……的心思
例句 We spend so much time together.I feel like I can read your mind. 我们相处这么久了,我想我明白你是怎么想的。
Just because you know I like Tom Cruise,it doesn't mean you can read my mind. 你不要以为你知道我喜欢汤姆.克鲁斯,就认为你很了解我。
I need you to hack into her.
Hack into=break into sth. by unusual means 侵入
Hacker 黑客
例句 Young man.I need you to hack into the computer and find the missing files. 年轻人,我要你侵入电脑里,把我们丢失的文件找回来。
Let's try to hack into the building by going up the fire escape. 我们试试从防火通道进入大楼吧。


1 ........ I didn't really enjoy the course, but after a while I really started to enjoy it. In the beginning
2 ........ of the film the main character arrives in town looking for somewhere to stay. At the beginning
3 We waited ages for a bus. ........ we decided to walk home. Eventually
4 The audience waited patiently for the delayed performance to start. ........ the curtain rose. At last
5 I waited for you ........ 10.00. I finally decided you weren't coming. until
6 I managed to get the house tidy ........ my parents got home. before
7........ had I gone to bed than I heard the phone ring. Hardly
8 I played a lot of tennis ........ I was on holiday. while
