

this week I finshish my essay
my subject is INTERNATIANAL BUSINESS so in my self-study I did some practice relate it. I listen business daily everyday and read some article about business.
my vocabulary is poor so i accumulate some word .
in speaking I saw a video named action english to study how to speak native language.
in next week I will focus on review what i studied this month

listening:business daily
Johann Hari: Do you want free trade – or fair trade that helps the poor?


Classic Film Clips(Duren)

You back-Stabbing murderer.你这阴险的杀人犯。

Back-stabbing adj.阴险的,暗箭伤人的,小人的

例句 Don't trust that back-stabbing guy.

He will steal all your money as soon as he has a chance.

Back-stabber n.阴险的人,背信弃义的人。

例句 I was in love with my girlfriend untill I found out that she told all her girlfriends that I was stupid.She's such a back-stabber.

A lesser man would've talked under such torture.A lesser man 不太正直的人。

例句 Thank you for returning my wallet. A lesser man would have kept it for himself. You are a lesser man than he is. Because you lied to me

a verb test

1. When Carol (call) called last night, I (watch) was watching my favorite show on television.

2. I (work) have been working for this company for more than thirty years, and I intend to stay here until I retire!

3. Sharon (love) loves to travel. She (go) goes abroad almost every summer. Next year, she plans to go to Peru.

4. Thomas is an author. He (write) writes mystery novels and travel memoirs. He (write) has written since he was twenty-eight. Altogether, he (write) has written seven novels, three collections of short stories and a book of poetry.

5. We were late because we had some car problems. By the time we (get) got to the train station, Susan (wait) had been waiting for us for more than two hours

.6. Sam (try) was trying to change a light bulb when he (slip) slipped and (fell) fell.

7. Everyday I (wake) wake up at 6 o'clock, (eat) eat breakfast at 7 o'clock and (leave) leave for work at 8 o'clock. However, this morning I (get) got up at 6:30, (skip) skipped breakfast and (leave) left for work late because I (forget)had forgot to set my alarm.

8. Right now, Jim (read) is reading the newspaper and Kathy (make) is making dinner. Last night at this time, they (do) were doing the same thing. She (cook) was cooking and he (read) was reading the newspaper. Tomorrow at this time, they (do, also) will also be doing the same thing. She (prepare) will be preparing dinner and he (read)will be reading. They are very predictable people!

9. By this time next summer, you (complete)will have completed your studies and (find)will have found a job. I, on the other hand, (accomplish, not) won't have accomplishedanything. I (study, still)will still be studying and you (work)will be working in some new high paying job.

10. The students (be, usually) are usually taught by Mrs. Monty. However, this week they (teach) taught by Mr. Tanzer.
