business daily
Zimbabwe currency chaos takes ,the reporter belived that the country's economy crumble there lock food and a lot of people will dea.
经典对白 选自“Speed”生死时速
(1)You're the expert , I just work here (片中)
I just work here 我只是干活的,不能做决定
例:I can't tell you how to run the company, you're the boss, I just work here . 我不知道如何经营公司。 你是老板,我只是个打工的。
Don't ask me how we choose the movies for this show, I just work here. 不要问我是如何为这个节目挑选影片的,我可作不了主。
(2)He's cutting it close做 .....来不及(临时抱佛脚)
例:The test is tomorrow morning and we haven't even started study yet, that’s cutting it too close.
明早就测验了,咱们可还没开始复习哪。 咱们抓紧看看吧。
(3)I don't know , Gut feeling (片中)
Gut feeling 预感
例:I have a gut feeling, she likes me, so I 'm gonna ask her out.
凭直觉,她喜欢我。 所以我要约她出去。
I have a gut feeling, this landlord is honest, and so I think we should move in here. 我感觉这个房东挺厚道的。 所以我想咱们该搬进来吧