

listen 'business daily'
the first part talk about the alcohol,intervier the boss of the world's number one drinks company ,it can carry on growing through troubled times people still spend their money on alcohol.
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She's in pretty bad shape.她的状况很不好。
例句 That bicycle is in pretty bad shape.I'll only give you 30 bucks for that. 这辆自行车这么烂,我只出30块钱。
He was in pretty bad shape after his girlfriend broke up with him. 因为跟女朋友分手了,所以他的精神状况非常糟。
This is gonna be tough on both of you.
Be tough on sb.= 1. be very hard work to accomplish one's goal.对……来说很难。 2. 对……要求严格,苛刻
例句 Now I know all these studying is tough on you.But when you get accepted to college you'll be happy. 我知道现在对你来说学习很难,可一旦你上了大学,你的前途就一片光明了。
The coach was just being tough on you because he can see your potential. 教练对你要求严格是因为他知道你很有潜力。

Let's not make this any harder than it has to be.
Make sth. harder than it has to be=make something easy into something difficult 把……弄得很复杂,多此一举。
例句 Dave is making it harder than it has to be by insisting we wait for the red light before we cross the street. Dave坚持说要等红灯变绿灯我们才能过马路。他真是多此一举。 Don't make it harder than it has to be.Just do what boss says so we can all get out here early. 你就别添乱了,只要按老板说的去做,我们都能早早收工。
